Crown International Film Festival

In the eyes of a child

About Project

Ivan, a young photographer boy, during a stop with a friend, relives his childhood by noticing
the house where he lived as a teenager. A cramped, unlivable place, the reason for its total closure, entering a dark phase
His memories go back to school days bullied because of his family poverty.
The memories reach up to the last few years where he regrets not having gone to a person’s funeral

Director Biography

Marco Ferrara, Nato a Catania il 10/09/1989.
Vincitore al Militello film Festival 2014 con “Un dolce ricordo”
– Miglior soggetto e protagonista
– Miglior attore
Finalista con Parole Invisibili all’Etnaci Film Festival e Geofilm Festival
Final Selection al festival CINEMAGIA MOVIE AWARD
Selezionato al Festival del Cinema di Cefalù
Direttore della produzione rete cinematografica Sikania

Project Credits

Marco Ferrara – DirectorLa Luna Bugiarda

Marco Ferrara – Writer

Marco Ferrara – Producer

Francesco Puglisi – Key Cast
“Ivan adulto”

Angelo Cutispoto – Key Cast
“Ivan bambino”

Giovanbattista Spina – Key Cast
“Uomo col cappello”

Mariachiara Pelligra – Key Cast
“Bambina col diario”

Sebastiano Anastasi – Key Cast
“Papà di Ivan”

Rosaria Ventura – Key Cast
“Mamma di Ivan”

Giovanni Saia – Key Cast

Antonella Barbera – Key Cast
“Ragazza alla cabina telefonica”

Emilio Salvatore Valvo – Key Cast
“Amico di Ivan adulto alla guida”

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