About Project

We were best of friends as children
But then we went our separate ways
Life brought us together again
To have another chance to say
I have always loved you
We grew roots in the neighborhood
You held my heart within your hands
When I felt misunderstood
You helped me heal and take a stand
We cried until we laughed
And laughed until we cried
We were as close as family
And at times you were my soul mate
You knew me better than I could hope
It was always a comfort to me
When you saw things others couldn’t see
I think it must have been our fate
Reflecting life’s sweet kaleidoscope
To unravel patterns so we’d be free
You were always there for me
Change is constant and time passes
Destiny brought us together
Like Alice through the looking glass
Childhood innocence becomes a blur
In a world full of many rules
Which ones did you choose to break
I hope life hasn’t been cruel
And that you’ve been loved for love’s sake
Life has brought you back to me
We were as close as family
And at times you were my soul mate
You knew me better than I could hope
It was always a comfort to me
When you saw things others couldn’t see
I think it must have been our fate
Reflecting life’s sweet kaleidoscope
To unravel patterns so we’d be free
Life’s a reflection
A kaleidoscope of you and me
Director Biography

Round The Globe is a collaboration of music written and co-written with individuals from all over the world. The idea is to promote encouragement, hope, and global healing through music. The music of Round The Globe is dynamic and diverse. We explore subjects that are complex social issues and concerns that can be difficult to address, but through music, we can overcome obstacles and barriers. Our intention is to spread universal love through our music.
Since 2019, Round The Globe has distinguished itself as an organization of musicians and songwriters that are making a difference in the world. Their music is considered outstanding and has been recognized for the contribution it makes to improving our world through music.
Project Credits
Clare Steffen – Author
Round The Globe (feat. Clare Steffen) – Name of Band or Artist
Raul Barba – Music & Production