Crown International Film Festival

Peace is my Inclusive Story

About Project

Inclusive transmedia storytelling that seeks to make visible the imaginaries of peace and citizen culture of children with visual or hearing disabilities and regular children of Cali, Colombia; from the application of a series of workshops in active pedagogy.
The project includes: A Booklet (high score, braille and digital), an audiovisual webseries with the imaginaries of peace and citizen culture resulting from each workshop, a podcast with life stories of some of the participating children, an inclusive board game (relief and regular), a methodological guideline for those who want to apply the experience (with their own webserie), an offline exhibition of all the products made in the project, and a web page and their respective social networks that account for the whole process done.

Director Biography

Teacher and Social Communicator at the Autonomous University of the West, UAO. PhD candidate at the University of Deusto (Spain). Master in Direction and Management of Educational Institutions from the Regiomontana University of Monterrey, Mexico. He is currently the Coordinator of the Specialization in Transmedia Communication Strategies and of the Audiovisual and Digital Narratives area of ​​the Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences of the UAO.
His academic and teaching experience focuses on the areas of digital narratives, audiovisual production, podcasting, transmedia Storytelling, applied pedagogy and inclusive communication, topics with which he has presented national and international papers and publications. In addition, he coordinates line two of the Research Group on Communication and Social Change, entitled: “Communication, Vulnerability and Social Inclusion” and is the leader of the research hotbed on “Digital Narratives and Journalism”.

Project Credits

Ismael Cardozo Rivera – Director

Ismael Cardozo Rivera – Producer

Melissa Granada Montoya – Key Cast

Valeria Prato Facundo – Key Cast

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A magazine or a newspaper is a shop. Each is an experiment and represents a new focus, a new ratio between commerce and intellect.

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