Crown International Film Festival

Seth and Tia

Two patients, Seth and Tia develop a friendship during their stay in a mental institution. They decide to make a plan to break out, but they can’t do it alone,so they ally with an enemy patient named Gnarly Daren who helps them. Seth then betrays Daren by locking him in a cell so he can’t leave with them. During Seth and Tia’s life of anarchy on the run, Daren escapes from the institution, is out for their blood, and will stop at nothing to get revenge.

Director Biography

Based in Detroit area, I went to Western Michigan University to receive my degree in film. After seeing how hard it is to make it into Hollywood, I decided to go make movies with my own money This is how Seth and Tia came to be and I have been enjoying the guerilla shoot life ever since.

Project Credits

Steve Hasse – Director

Steve Hasse – Writer

Steve Hasse – Producer

Jason Hiaeshutter – Producer

Dan Lang – Producer

Nathan Wakefield – Key Cast
“Seth “

Rachel Webster – Key Cast
“Tia “

Tokkyo Faison – Key Cast

Jason Hiaeshutter – Key Cast
“Gnarly Daren “

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