About Project

Psychogenealogy and epigenetics through a VERY personal experience

The return to Geneva is proving difficult. Louis Mouchet found refuge in cinemas. His passion for moving images probably comes from there.
It is more clearly revealed during a shooting attended as a trainee; MARCHES is adapted from a book by his father, the poet Charles Mouchet, played by Pierre Holdener. A natural bond is created with the actor. Shortly before his death, he inspired the project ADOLPHE APPIA – LE VISIONNAIRE DE L’INVISIBLE which Louis Mouchet would direct and dedicate to him.
Louis Mouchet was born on 25 March 1957 in Geneva. Five months later, his parents crossed the Mediterranean to teach in Beja, a Tunisian town close to Algeria.
This Maghreb episode was, and remains, a lost Paradise.
To make his passion his life, Louis Mouchet studied at the London International Film School. He gained experience and international contacts.
Its first “serious job” is an ICRC assignment. This has resulted in a successful collaboration that continues to this present day. It has been extended to other humanitarian and international organizations.
Shortly after, François Simon’s widow suggested that he co-direct a portrait of the sublime actor. Louis Mouchet accepted without hesitation. As a child, this “seductive demon” made him cry with laughter during a rehearsal at the Théâtre de Carouge.
This film is the first step toward other creative documentaries: BLUES ROAD MOVIE, RROMANI SOUL, SANTA SHAKTI…
JODOROWSKY CONSTELLATION is the result of a personal quest conducted with the protean artist, particularly visible in the final psycho-genealogy session where the filmmaker-seeker exposes himself emotionally.
project Credits
Louis Charles Mouchet – Director
Santa Shakti, Rromani Soul, Blues Road Movie, the Jodorowsky Constellation, Adolphe Appia – Visionary of Invisible
Louis Charles Mouchet – Writer
Santa Shakti, Rromani Soul, Blues Road Movie, the Jodorowsky Constellation, Adolphe Appia – Visionary of Invisible
Dorothy Cox – Producer
Seeds to Grow, Rromani Soul, Blues Road Movie
Cristina Schmidt – Key Cast
Tony T. Gaillard – Key Cast
Ariane Giacobino – Key Cast
Alexandro Jodorowsky – Key CastThe Jodorowsky Constellation
Patrick Delarive – Key Cast
Seeds to Grow